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Artist of the Week — Elizabeth Ross
October 12, 2009 by MarianaVel
Mariana Velichkova’s interview with the artist Elizabeth Ross
Please tell us about your first steps into art.I was a solitary child, who liked to “create” from nowhere things that obviously already existed. I loved the mystery that creation involved. After all those early years I never thought about art or me as an artist. My family was not close to cultural life and the natural path was a social career. In fact I tried in the Communication field. Some years later I moved to another city and found myself in Arts School.
There I learned how to knead clay, print on stone, the first steps of photography, but the times asked for a different path and I became a drop-out and went to live in the forest. However, the seeds were planted. I was only a little time at art school, but I started to research by myself and have been a self taught artist since then, focusing on clay for years and then opened up to other disciplines....
para leerla toda aquí!!
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