lunes, octubre 12, 2009

la entrevista en Public-Republic, en inglés

En estas últimas semanas ha habido cosas sinteresantes, como estas entrevistas como Artista de la Semana para Public Republic, esta revista digital que se publica en tres idiomas, otra entrevista para una tesis de maestría sobre Arte y Feminismo de la artista plástica Natalia Eguiluz. También está en proceso de parte de la Sala de Arte Siqueiros un proyecto mayor de recolección de proyectos de arte y comunidad en el que identidades toma parte.
Vale, les paso el inicio de la entrevista:

Artist of the Week — Elizabeth Ross

October 12, 2009 by MarianaVel

Mariana Velichkova’s interview with the artist Elizabeth Ross

Please tell us about your first steps into art.

I was a solitary child, who liked to “create” from nowhere things that obviously already existed. I loved the mystery that creation involved. After all those early years I never thought about art or me as an artist. My family was not close to cultural life and the natural path was a social career. In fact I tried in the Communication field. Some years later I moved to another city and found myself in Arts School.

There I learned how to knead clay, print on stone, the first steps of photography, but the times asked for a different path and I became a drop-out and went to live in the forest. However, the seeds were planted. I was only a little time at art school, but I started to research by myself and have been a self taught artist since then, focusing on clay for years and then opened up to other disciplines....

para leerla toda aquí!!

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