sábado, junio 16, 2012

cacaraqueando: 她者的凝视:东西方女性艺术家联展

EYESEVERWHERE: East and West women artists

 主办单位:大楚艺术机构  湖北省美术院美术馆
Host: Dachu Art Origination    The Gallery of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts
Address: The Gallery of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts
Date: June 29th – July 8th, 2012
Co-organizer: 3multiverse for the arts and communities
策展人:刘凡       伊丽莎白·罗斯
Curators: LIU Fan    Elizabeth ROSS

Angie BONINO                   安吉·博尼诺
Anna SOLER CEPRIÁ            安娜·索勒·瑟普瑞艾
Ayanna JOLIVET McCLOUD       艾安娜·偌利维·麦克劳德
CHEN Yun                       陈芸
Elizabeth ROSS                  伊丽莎白·罗斯
Florence BABIN                  弗洛伦萨·巴宾
GUO Yan                        郭燕
Huzi                             胡子
Julia BONNANI                   茱莉娅•波娜妮
LEI Benben                      雷本本
Lily                              栗子
LIN Xin                          林欣
LIU Fan                          刘凡
Lola LÓPEZ-CÓZAR              劳拉·洛佩兹·库萨
Lucero GONZÁLEZ               卢塞罗•冈萨雷斯
Maca MORENO & Miriam PERSAND           玛加·莫雷诺&米里亚姆·普萨德
TAN Qi                          谭奇
Tan Tan                         炭叹
WANG Xiaolu                    王晓璐
WANG Xiaoxin                   王晓新
Yvonne BRÜCKNER              伊芙·布吕克纳
Eyeseverywhere                             项目

 foto: Liu Fan

Eyeseverywhere 是 一个集体性的项目,它每周提供一种视觉话语和美学提议,它允许一种超越地域的、不间断的、无阻隔的潮流。它是在世界不同范围内女性之间的对话,作为女性, 她们必须打破由男性控制的艺术市场的疆域。自2007年1月起,每年的每一周里,一群女性艺术家在被称为难以捉摸的领域——网络上发布她们的照片,并由此 获得了一种更加强烈的存在感,这就是我们自己所提供的eyeseverywhere.wordpress.com。

Eyeseverywhere is a collective photographic project that offers a visual discourse and an aesthetic proposal within a weekly periodicity, allowing a constant uninterrupted flux that goes beyond the mere local. It is a dialogue among women making art in different latitudes of the world, who, as females, must break through a territory controlled by the androcratic mainstream art market. Since January 2007, each week of the year a number of women artists have been publishing their photos and gaining a stronger presence in that elusive territory called the web, where we have put up our own: eyeseverywhere.wordpress.com.
We have consolidated our collective being in almost six years, every week more solid, and now we have brought off a material achievement of these years of constant work being online, networked, and having our eyes everywhere, turned it into a video that holds kaleidoscopic glimpses of the world shown for the first time in a Museum.
This is an exhibition that gathers the gaze of women artists from East and West. From México to Dubai, From China to Argentina, from Spain to Norway and more.  Eyeseverywhere.   Images kept on the time and space of the net that talk about the world and what we see in it. And, what’s most important, how we see it.
Elizabeth Ross
Artist and generatrix
Madrid, June 2012
Ayanna Jolivet McCloud
Aimee Lee
Agnès Btffn
Carolina de la peña
Denisse Moreno
Elizabeth Ross
Eva Bruner-Szabo
Ireri Castro
Inge Hoonte
Inka X Resch
Katarina Nikolov
Lau Mun Leng
Liu Fan
Marta Rial
Mercedes Fidanza
Neslihan Ösgenç
Nicole Rademacher
Rosa Borrás
Sandra Petrovich
Teresa Puig
Vivian Vivas

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